Random stuff

Got rid of the flu but now seem to have succumbed to a cold: I feel mentally shot to pieces at the moment – not the best place to be at the beginning of holy week 🙁

But I’m sure I’ll recover slowly. Monday’s are always the ‘down day’ after the weekend, and the most strenuous thing on my plate today is preparing some compline addresses – I’m going to expand on my Orthodoxy post over the next three evenings.

In the meantime, this made me smile (HT Chrisendom), as did this for very different reasons.

And Matt Kundert is sustaining a very hiqh Quality output of MoQ related thoughts on his blog, and this reading of Pirsig’s Lila is remarkably fruitful. You’ll hear more of that in due course.

Oh yes, and on the Peak Oil front, this is worth glancing at. Key quote: “The oil industry has for several years claimed that the production from existing fields is declining at around 5 % per year or a decrease in production of about 4 mbpd each year. Adding the increase in demand and the decline we get that an extra 27 mbpd is needed in new capacity in the next 5 years” – is that going to be found? No. Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye.