
Orthodoxy means, literally, ‘right glory’.

In other words, it means to allocate glory appropriately. Not to give too much glory to those things which do not deserve the excess, and not to give too little glory to those things which deserve more.

It is one way of understanding the first commandment, to have no other gods than God. In other words, not to give too much glory to things which are created, and to give glory fittingly to the Creator. It means not to worship graven images, not to build golden calves.

Orthodoxy does not mean ‘right belief’ – although that is the understanding which, as the result of Protestant influence, Orthodoxy has been reduced to. Orthodoxy is principally about value, worth – Quality. It means that the world is seen as it truly is, without distortion.

The principal distortion from a Christian point of view is called sin. Sin can be understood as anything which interrupts the relationship between creature and Creator. In other words, sin is anything which means that the creature does not relate properly to the Creator – that causes the creature to give improper glory to the Creator.

Which brings us to worship. Worship is the right relationship between creature and Creator. Sin arises where worship is offered to that which is not the Creator; where value is seen through a distorting mirror, and the world becomes misshapen. Worship causes the worshipper to become worthy (higher Quality) – it does not cause the Creator to become worthy. So right worship is what enables the worshipper to enter into their inheritance, to become who they most truly are. Worship gives value and Quality to the worshipper. Only the holy can see truly.

Right worship is therefore the activity that gives right glory. As a result of sin, this activity cannot be inner-directed. It cannot be chosen or assessed on the basis of internal feelings or sentiment. It can only be on the basis of revelation. Right worship must ultimately come from outside – that which enables the legacy of sin to be overcome. Worship offered in accordance with revelation is that which gives right glory to the Creator, and right life to the creature. It gives life in abundance.

As worship is offered, as right glory is given, so the creature is changed, from glory to glory, in accordance with that which has been revealed. This is why doxology is the heart of worship.

Glory be to the Father,
And to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
And shall be forever. Amen.