Feeling lousy

Before I begin – there’s a good 9/11 article here.

I’m feeling lousy. Cancelled my afternoon appointments, might even have to bail out of tonight’s, although that would be a real let down. My wife has just begun to emerge out of nearly two weeks illness, this cold/cough/buggy thing that never seems to go away. And guess who is now succumbing to the symptoms? I think I got it more than a week ago, but I have been fending it off as much as I could – too many annual meetings to have missed – but I am now feeling it claim me. And the APCMs were hard work – they didn’t go well at all, with one exception, and I suspect the next month is going to be dominated by clearing up the mess. Still, it’s all a good learning experience, and as I keep reminding myself, if the Lord is gracious then I’ve got another thirty years of this to get it right 🙂

Of course the other major factor is Ollie – I think I’m feeling the effect of a moderate increase in exercise! That’s a good thing, though, even though I feel I could do with a lot more sleep. I’m going to try and get as much rest and relaxation as I can in the next 48 hours, see if that will sort me out.

There you go.

/end self-pitying whinge