Day off. Ho ho.

Friday is day off. So I said Morning Prayer in church to cover until the new Assistant Priest takes up his duties, and then spent an hour or so working on the mechanics of the blog (hey, we now have atom and RSS feeds! And if you don’t know what that means, you’re in exactly the same position I was in 24 hours ago!) I also have some prayers to prepare for first thing tomorrow morning. But there you go, it’s not a job, it’s a vocation.

3 thoughts on “Day off. Ho ho.

  1. Sounds like a slippery slope to me. You could try reading: “Not trying too hard” by Bob Sitze (Alban Institute Publications). Even God had a whole day of rest, so you might follow his example.
    I prayed on Friday (Monday is my day off) so the church stilll prayed, you could have let the whole community of faith cover your bit for a day.

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