The appalling CCM songs meme

This is via Doug: “Please try to name ONE (I know, there are so many to choose from) CCM praise song that you find unbearable and at least 2-3 reasons why, pointing to specific lyrics if you must.”

I plead ignorance of the field!

So I cheat, tag Banksy and say that I’ll agree with whatever he chooses 🙂

I also tag Joe , Jon and Phil.

4 thoughts on “The appalling CCM songs meme

  1. I too would plead ignorance of the field. The onl;y time I hear them is in the radio when going home from church on alternate Sundays, and most of them have awdul words ond monotonous mustic. I’d say it’s also a problem that the words are drowned by the instruments, but in most cases that’s probably a blessing.

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