7 thoughts on “TBTM20100410

  1. This fact is a truism among thinking/realistic Anglo-Catholic traditionalists. Sadly there are many for whom it will come as a shock when it happens, because they prefer to stick their heads in the sand ….

  2. I’m sure that traditionalist Anglo-Catholics will be grateful for the Ostrich’s kind words.

    It’s worth noting that the demographics for Affirming Catholics are probably worse.

    At least traditionalists will have the option of an easy path to reunion with the Holy See via the ordinariate(s). Liberal Anglo-Catholics will find themselves increasingly isolated and uncomfortable in a Liberal Evangelical church where liturgical worship and intellectual rigour are in steep decline.

  3. Presumably many of these Forward in Faith clergy, once their pension is paid up, will be able to look forward to transferring their allegiance if they wish, as Sir Watkin has said.

    Which means that the Church of England as a whole will lose a pool of relatively young-retired clergy who would, in the normal run of things, have continued to support the operation of churches in multi-parish benefices, interregnums etc.

    If all these clergy leave, many churches will potentially end up with even more restricted services or even having to close.

    I can’t see this as a good thing. And that is before considering that, while I’ll wish them well if those I know leave, I’ll miss them

  4. And what is the figure for Stipendary clergy in general?
    I am aware of a good mumber of FiF clergy under 30 (and a reasonable crop of ordinations coming up this year) who don’t seem to figure in your spreadsheet.

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