Rev Sam is sad

Rev Sam is sad in all sorts of ways (ask MadPriest about my taste in music), and he can be downright melancholic when considering Peak Oil, but today Rev Sam is sad because he lost his camera on the beach.


So no TBTM for a bit. Perhaps I’ll do a few highlights of the year gone by in the run up to 2007.

I should say – I think I lost it when it fell out of my pocket. I was rather distracted because my 4 year old son was at that very moment thrusting a stick into the tenderest region of my body… I didn’t realise it was lost until much later in the day, at which point I went back and did a search – but I expect it has been picked up, and probably pocketed by someone thanking God for a late Christmas present!

However, having consulted with beloved, and pondering some of the recent comments on the site (eg from Teresa) – I’ve decided to take the plunge (ie strain the credit card) and get an upgraded replacement, probably tomorrow. So perhaps there won’t be a disruption to TBTM after all!