Fundamentalism reading list

The Battle for God, Karen Armstrong
Good introduction, surprisingly sharp for her.

Fundamentalism, James Barr
Escaping from Fundamentalism, James Barr
The Scope and Authority of the Bible, James Barr
James Barr is the doyen of fundamentalism studies. I didn’t re-read his magnum opus for these talks, but I remember its quality from when I read it at Uni. I need to get my own copy.

What the Bible Really Teaches, Keith Ward
Commendably clear and thorough.

A Passion for Truth, Alister E McGrath
Intellectually a bit weak – McGrath is more of an historian than a systematician – but good for distinguishing the evangelical position.

Fundamentalism and American Culture, George M Marsden
Classic text (which I haven’t quite finished)

American Theocracy, Kevin Phillips
Haven’t started yet, but looks good, especially as it links in Peak Oil to the conversation.

Of course, I’ve also read the first three ‘Left Behind’ books. Slacktivist says all that is needed about them.