Thoughts before bedtime

Why is Del Shannon’s ‘Runaway’ still such a brilliant song?

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, who came that we might have life in our turn, abundantly.

I finished reading Grant Morrison’s “The Invisibles” cycle recently (warning: not for those liable to be offended). Started off brilliantly, but it faded a little. Yet that might just have been the impact of distraction from Easter matters, and my not giving the later chapters sufficient attention. I need to read it again.

But I had the most remarkable ‘vision’ just before falling asleep one night, having read about 3/4 of the series, where all our language was mobile fragments on the surface of water, and I was plunged through it, letting go of all the memetically inherited thought patterns that shape my view of the world (even the ones that I feel I have most made my own by independent processes), and entering something truly new and bright white light.

Of course, that was the end of the revelation. Tantalising though. I’m a man who is prone to visions, rare, but periodic. I think one is brewing. I seem not to be able to escape a sense of spiritual tension, like an overblown balloon.

Pluto, the god of the underworld, is the god of death and wealth, especially mineral wealth. Discovered and named in the early 1930’s when the oil industry really began to kick in. Now being reclassified as a ‘non-planet’ because it is too small. Fading back into the unconscious just in time. Of course, it’s just a coincidence. All entertaining explorations of the nether world need to be firmly tethered to the good sense of Chris Locke.

I didn’t realise that fundamentalism made me so angry. I have discovered something about which I am rather passionate. Probably because I have seen close up how much havoc it causes in people’s lives. It is the death force, a cancer in the Body.

Moby’s ‘Porcelain’ has really started getting under my skin in the last week or so.

Something else has begun recently, which eases my soul.

I sing my eldest to sleep.

Nada te turbe, nada te espante
Quien a dios tiene, nada le falta
Nada te turbe, nada te espante
Solo dios basta