A commentator on Rowan’s successor

May I draw your attention to the description of the Office of Archbishop of Canterbury contained in the details sent to members of the General Synod? The Archbishop of Canterbury is a ‘focus of unity”. This phrase has recently been introduced into the job description of diocesan (and perhaps suffragan) bishops in the Church of England. I think it is incorrect. The bishop is the SOURCE of unity, in that he or she is the fount of Holy Order in the diocese, either by the laying on of hands or by the giving of a License to those ordained elsewhere. So too with the Archbishop of Canterbury, it is by being in communion with this bishop that the Anglican Communion is constituted.

The Archbishop of Canterbury must first and foremost be true to their personal integrity of faith before God, not seeking to appease others but to reveal the truth. Then those already in communion either remain or depart. Pragmatism is not what Christ calls for in his bishops, but principle, truth, and justice.
Where will the Lord find such a person? And if he does, will we be allowed to receive their ministry? I am deeply afraid that such courage is lacking in those who will advise the Vacancy in See Commission.

(from the Thinking Anglicans comments page)