At the end of that road is civil disorder, anarchy and then war, as the people rise up and slaughter their oppressors. It may not happen in my lifetime. But, if it does I rather suspect that, if I am not actually part of the throng, I will be standing in the streets applauding as we rid ourselves of the incubus that has become our government and our ruling élite.
Category Archives: TBTM
Not Ollie – but if you look at the horizon closely you can see that the ‘tripods’ have put up their first wind turbine. Lovely jubbly.
What? You want a link as well? OK, here ’tis: a fisking of Obama’s speech on the auto industry.
Did Darwin kill God?
Haven’t seen it yet, but it would seem to make the same arguments that I’ve been making (along with others!) for some time. UK viewers only, unfortunately.
As for me, I’m approaching, though not yet attaining, normality.
Not a TBTM
I’ve been shockingly busy for the last few days, and am now exhausted, so I’m drawing stumps and giving up work for a bit. Which means a bit more blogging. Took this photo a few mornings ago.
Today’s link: The Death of Protestant America: A Political Theory of the Protestant Mainline
(Forgot to post this this morning!)
I don’t know many people who’ve been watching BSG, which is about to come to an end (I watched part 1 of the finale last night, courtesy of Sky+) but lots of people have recommended the Wire to me. I think that in a hundred years* people will be studying these DVD sets in the same way that students now work through Dickens. This book has much of relevance to say about it.
I’m sure I will watch The Wire – but I have to get through my Christmas present of the complete West Wing before I do. (And James, I’ll make sure I watch To Kill a Mockingbird some time soon, as well as the others on that list!)
*Assuming we have some record of them – see here.
Obama vs Marx
(See Al, I can put up nice links about Obama too!)
In fact, as it’s St Patrick’s Day, how about this:
There’s actually a better video than that somewhere, but it seems to have been taken off YouTube.