Monthly Archives: March 2007
I promise you peak oil
This Show of Hands song expresses my view on Peak Oil rather well. I’m listening to it a lot at the moment.
(click on ‘full post’ to read)
I promise you warm nights
I promise you long days
I promise you summer twilight
I promise you soft waves
But first we must bear
The winter
I promise you blue skies
I promise you the rolling moors
I promise you barefoot sunrise
I promise you open doors
But first we must bear
The winter
The rain and the gales
And the frost and the hail
The hard biting nails
Of winter
I promise you light returning
I promise you hope reborn
I promise you gentle mornings
I promise you new dawn
But first we must bear
The winter
I promise you
things will change
maybe not today but one day
things will change
for the better
but it might be a long winter
but one day I promise you, I promise you
it can’t last forever
ah but first
we must bear
the winter
UPDATE: just found this version on youtube; I think it’s using the album version, but I only have it on their live album
US General Accounting Office report on Peak Oil
I have a feeling that Peak Oil has just shifted into the mainstream. Now that the phenomenon of peaking is accepted at the highest levels, attention will turn to when – and to all the other random factors which will accelerate the crisis. This is an interview with Matt Simmons, which is worth watching. Interesting figure that he quotes with regard to Cantarell (Mexico), where the decline is accelerating. What are the odds on a Chavez type figure emerging there? And how many different ways can the US find to say ‘we’re @&%$ed’?
Last week we had the exceptional high tide which caused a number of the shrubs at the high water mark to be unusually inundated – meaning that much seaweed has been left behind on their branches. I think this is a good metaphor for psychological baggage, when we can’t let something go that has no on-going place in our lives.
“Hey, you! You need to get that seaweed out of your branches!”
And one nice piccie of Ollie.
We don’t know what we’re doing
A man after my own heart (profanity warning!)
How much?
William Willimon is an influence on me, partly through his co-writing Resident Aliens with Hauerwas. This is good (from his blog):