Category Archives: TBTM
A short story by Isaac Asimov, which has some relevance to present debates.
The dangers of Obamania: “like Reagan before him, Barack Obama is having a narcotic effect on the American psyche, dulling their lived awareness of the Iraq débâcle and reducing the Bush presidency to a mere aberration. His strident opposition to the war efforts in Iraq coupled with the deliberately pandering message of utopian immediacy—‘We are the change we seek’ and ‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for’—are invitations to the American people to enclose themselves once again in their solipsistic cocoon, and to resume their idiotic obsession with the drama of their national life.”
Life without airplanes (or: the return of the ocean liner).
Today’s link: the truth about the Spanish Inquisition. From a completely unbiased source, ahem.
Play a computer at chess and ‘watch it think’. Quite fun, although when I got it into zugzwang it hung the software. Which I guess is the equivalent of sulking 🙂
Another one for all you Star Trek fans out there, because I know you like it like this:
Star Trek TNG as directed by Kenneth Williams (oo er Mrs).