Nobody believes in the God of the Bible any more.
Cardinal says faithful must respect atheists.
God is not a “fact in the world” as though God could be treated as “one thing among other things to be empirically investigated” and affirmed or denied on the “basis of observation”, said Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor. “If Christians really believed in the mystery of God, we would realise that proper talk about God is always difficult, always tentative.
What seems to often be the trouble, though, is that humourless atheists won’t let the religious BE tentative…
I don’t plan to link to the Oil Drum every day (though most of the time it would be worth it) but one of the main issues about Peak Oil is the knock-on effect to wider power distribution, eg electricity.
Things that you need to understand if you want to know what’s going on in the world: the ‘Export Land Model’
I may have put this up before, but the problem with business as usual is that it assumes too many static variables. Imagine you have a milk bottle which you are filling with water – all goes nice and steadily until you hit the bottle neck – if you don’t slow down the rate of water going into the bottle then you get sprayed! We are now moving into the bottle neck and we are going to be forced to change our behaviours – the ELM is just one reason why things will get much worse, much more quickly than any of the powers that be expect.
A blog recommendation for those who like Wendell Berry and similarly ecologically sound writing.
I forgot to put this up earlier (for the benefit of Mersea Benefice people):
Learning Church summer 2008
Essential and Credible: Understanding Christianity Today
Saturdays at 9.30am in the Church Hall
May 3rd: Love God… Love neighbour – the essence of Christian faith
May 10th: “But I can’t believe that!”: what is so Holy about Scripture?
May 17th: You must be holy: the identity of Israel
May 24th: Bloody awful: sacrifice, atonement and the Temple
May 31st: “You’re all doomed!” – prophets and prophecy
June 7th: Jesus’ message: Change your life! God is here!
June 14th: If Christ was not raised then we are the most to be pitied
June 21st: “Unless you are born again…”: right and wrong ways to understand that phrase
June 28th: “Eat my flesh” – why Christians aren’t cannibals
July 5th: Prayer, liturgy and worship
July 12th: Why Richard Dawkins is an idiot
July 19th: Where do we go from here?
“I am favour of the liberty of the subject in a society governed by the rule of law, in which law-abiding people (who have made their own laws to supplement the force of conscience) are able to live freely according to their consciences. I believe that these conditions are only possible in a country where the married family is strong and the state is weak, except in the matters of national defence and criminal justice, where it should be strong. They also rely on adult authority over children and a strong, generally accepted morality based on Christianity. That’s what I’m in favour of, and I judge all political actions by these tests.”
I disagree with Peter Hitchens about lots of things, but this is why I carry on reading him.