
Some links:
A good THES article on AGW.
A high-powered video on climategate including Richard Lindzen and other academics (warning: 2 hours long).
Interesting FT overview of what top climate scientists actually think.
A critique of Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech re: Just War theory. (H/T Grandmere Mimi)
Obama’s ‘Predictably Irrational’ economic policies.
Stanley Fish’s review of Going Rogue. Related: a Huffington Post article on ‘Dissolving the Palin prejudice’.
Some interesting world maps.


So: yesterday I got a CROS hearing aid, from the lovely people at Addenbrooke’s (though, as always, it was a bit hellish to get there).
I put it through its paces pretty quickly, and it was quite a remarkable feeling to know what someone to my immediate left was saying. It’s not quite as useful in a social (ie noisy) setting as I had hoped – people with only one hearing ear lack the capacity to discriminate voices in that context, and the hearing aid doesn’t change it – but it does make a difference, and in other settings, eg PCC meetings, it will be a real boon. I can tell already that I feel more confident in those contexts. Next step – wearing it whilst taking a service this morning.
By the way – it’s worth mentioning – I was getting a bit fed up with my hearing last year, and I did offer up some fervent prayers for it to be fixed. So I do see this as an answered prayer, and a miracle, even if it is all completely scientific!


Why there are so few men in church:
“There was another baneful consequence springing this time from the newly acquired professional standards of the clergy and their desire to see the ideals they had come to regard as obligatory to their calling practised in their parishes. In their path, to take one of the most dramatic examples, lay the haphazard independence of the gloriously unprofessional, unapologetically male, fiercely proud and deeply culturally entrenched world of church bands so affectionately and movingly described by George Eliot and Thomas Hardy. The bands however could not long withstand the more refined, middle-class sensibilities of college-trained clergy. These modern clergy preferred ‘organ-music to any other’. It was cultural imperialism just as insensitive as any imposed by missionaries in ‘darkest Africa’. And with very baneful consequences. For in came organs and in came choirs. And out went men. ‘[F]or the first time in their lives’, Hardy observed of the male musicians in church after their displacement, ‘they all felt awkward, out of place, abashed, and inconvenienced by their hands’. And that tragic cultural displacement was permanent. Men have not returned. The balance shifted for the clergy ‘decisively away from their congregations to themselves. Whatever the wishes of the villagers, Anglican services became more dignified, more feminine and more clerical.’ And, as they did so, they created a special Anglican worship ambience – grand, beautiful and reverent perhaps – but ever more remote from ordinary people, particularly men.”
Found here (pdf) (Original found linked on John Richardson’s blog).