
Right, so. Big decision taken and acted on. I’ve sent off a book proposal (based on ‘Let us be human’) to Darton, Longman and Todd.

As I’ve previously had several rejections from publishers, my confidence isn’t especially high – though this material is much more developed than it has ever been before. I’ll let you know what they say.


If you want to build a ship, don’t summon people to buy wood, prepare tools, distribute jobs, and organize the work; rather teach people the yearning for the wide, boundless ocean.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)


Comes apart explains itself and shows it’s complex ways
To see at last is to be free from a complicated maze
Comes apart explains itself and shows its complex ways
Everything in heaven comes apart


So then, when you come to the Lord’s Supper to feed spiritually upon Christ, and when you thank the Lord for his great favour, for the redemption whereby you are delivered from despair, and for the pledge whereby you are assured of eternal salvation, when you join with your brethren in partaking of the bread and wine which are the tokens of the body of Christ, then in the true sense of the word you eat him sacramentally. You do inwardly that which you represent outwardly, your soul being strengthened by the faith which you attest in the tokens.
(found here, a post chiming with many of my preoccupations at the moment. And that’s Zwingli by the way, remarkable!)