
“Get a move on you ‘orrible lot! You’ve got another three miles of sand to run in, now watch your step! Move it, move it, move it!”

Not quite the exact words I heard, but close enough.

Is it wrong to occasionally wish that churches could be led like an army? More could be achieved in some ways, but doubtless that means that the mistakes would be huger alongside the successes, and I suspect a muddling through, soul by soul, is more what the Lord has in mind for us. In his patience is our salvation.

(NB Ollie was most excited to see them, thought it was great fun. I don’t plan to run along with a pack on my back any time soon though.)


A thought for the feast today: if James, Peter and John had been Muslim, would they have seen Mohammed rather than Moses on Mount Tabor?

Today’s link: Be lucky (also the name of one of my favourite Show of Hands songs.)


Interesting and very sharp comment here, about Rowan’s latest missive: “The argument he made (that changes must be grounded in thorough and convincing biblical exegesis and accepted by the Church at large after that has been done) apply as well to the issue of women priests and certainly to women bishops, an issue very current for the Church of England.”

Quite. Either we’re an autonomous church/communion (part of the Church Catholic) or we’re not. Either we have decided that the ordination of women to the priesthood is legitimate, or we have not (leaving aside questions like divorce and the status of the Queen).

The logic of Rowan’s argument is (ultimately) that we should accept papal primacy, because the Roman Church doesn’t recognise us as legitimate.

Bonkers. One thing that has changed in me over the last several years is a realisation that in this sense (and in this sense only) I am a Protestant.

UPDATE: thought this was good (via Tim C).