The ingredients of a mid-life crisis

On the one hand, several friends seem to be being liberated to pursue God in all sorts of exciting ways:
Joe down in Devon
Tess at Freeland
and another has just been appointed as Rector of this church in California.

That’s my theological and ecclesiological envy covered. On the other hand, my secular envy points out that many of my unversity peers and friends are now fully established as partners/senior managers in major global firms and earning six figure salaries (and yes, I know about the green grass and I harbour no illusions.)

So I am at one and the same time envious of those with lots of money, and also of those with absolutely no money. This is not a post about consistency of thought.

I guess it’s a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction. Of not quite fitting in my seat. If only I could hear one way or another from a certain publisher.

Then again, perhaps it’s just time I bought a Porsche.

NB please note that sleeplessness played a small part in the composition of this post. Wrestling with another blinking cold played more. So I’m a bit grumpy ;o(


So we have a new baby at the moment – and sleep is somewhat disturbed – particularly last Wednesday night when I woke up at about 2am and couldn’t get back to sleep with brain buzzing about certain questions. So today – having gone to bed at about 7.30 last night and managed a good ten hours of sleep (w00t!) – and getting re-centred in worship this morning, and pondering the eternal truths like ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ – I’m starting to wonder “what planet was I on?” 🙂

(Not that I wouldn’t still want to defend much of my thinking – just… the sane me is not well represented there!)

Clouds and silver linings

Cloud: getting a puncture on the back wheel of my motorbike on my way back from Colchester, 5 miles from home, and having to push it home.

Silver linings: all the lovely parishioners who stopped to give me practical and moral support 🙂

Home at last :)

Home after a week, with a great deal of thanks to some wonderful NHS staff and the one above. The other kids were most excited to see her, but were even more interested in the birthday cake 🙂

This’ll be the last update on the baby; thanks for all prayers and messages, they do make a difference.

Big sister and little sister

Doctors are all now saying lots of positive things, thanks be to God. She is feeding well (from mum as well as from tubes!) and making steady progress. Do please keep praying though! I’ll probably put something up first thing each day while she’s in hospital; I can read all the comments/ replies through the day – and I/we do appreciate them.

Please say a prayer

for my newborn baby girl, who arrived in the world yesterday afternoon extremely underweight, and is now in the special care unit at the hospital.

UPDATE: Doctors are very reassuring and say that, all being well, she should make it out of hospital in three or four days. Thank you so much for all the prayers.