I-monk on good form

“As much “Contemporary Christian Music” as possible please, It’s the soundtrack of apostasy, as far as I can tell. Nothing smells quite as inauthentic, juvenile, manufactured and phony. In fact, we need some down here for the more despairing and tortured areas. Is it on iTunes?”
Go read.

Hilarious and humourless at the same time

I sort-of scored 15, principally because the questions assume that God is “a” being, which is a classic mistake. The answer where I gave a most emphatic yes was question 5 – I am certain that prayer and meditation generates insights not available through ordinary thought. But that isn’t a particularly religious point – I’m sure Russell and Einstein would agree (Aristotle certainly would).
(H/T Ron)

What is best in life?

he he he – I’m in that sort of mood 🙂

more seriously, I have at last been diagnosed properly – I have an infection in my upper respiratory tract, so have started a course of antibiotics. Hopefully that will cure all this nastiness that has been lingering in my system.