
Wot I’ve succumbed to. Hopefully it’ll get through the system as quickly as it has the other members of the family who’ve had it in the past week, so I’ll be OK for Learning Church tomorrow. Meanwhile, as no TBTM this morning, here’s one from a few days ago.


After several months of suspension – because after watching the episode ‘two for the road’ I realised I hadn’t enjoyed it and needed a break – I finished watching Series 2 of Lost last night. Fascinating religious allegories in it. Series 3 is being delivered very soon. So please no spoilers in the comments 🙂

300 (Zack Snyder movie)

This was really good – a faithful rendition of the graphic novel which managed to capture some of Miller’s visual style (as did Sin City) and pay homage to Spartan virtues. So: four out of five.

However, having enjoyed it and been stimulated by it, I have to say that I’m glad I don’t live in Sparta. I think that our culture doesn’t honour the martial virtues (something I’m probably going to preach on for Remembrance Sunday), and clearly Sparta was the opposite of that, but I think that the martial virtues have a point beyond themselves, ie they are there to form a safe space within which other – higher – virtues can manifest. I find it intriguing that it was the mistreatment/ different treatment of the hunchback which led to the downfall. Not sure what could have been done otherwise, but I think a community within which all have a place is stronger than one which denies the existence of the weak. Sparta as an element in Greece, perhaps, rather than the epitome.