Reading through the Bible (Learning Suppers at West Mersea)

As a spin-off from the ‘Learning Church’ sessions that I was doing on Saturday mornings, we now have a once-a-month Sunday evening service which includes a lengthy talk on a particular topic – along with some ‘mainstream hymns’ (= popular music, occasionally even sung by the Rector, erk!) – and finishing with a shared supper in the Hall. It’s a format that seems to work well, and the congregations are a good size.

This is the programme for the next several months:
Reading through the Bible

The Bible has authority over Christians of all different sorts – but why? In this sequence of talks I want to explore not only what the Bible is, and what the Bible says, I want to show how the Bible can help us to see the world more clearly. In other words this isn’t just a sequence picking out some themes from the Bible – though of course it is that – it is also going to explore how to read the world through the Bible: how does the Bible help us to understand and live today?

25th January: Where did the Bible come from?
This will be a mainly historical overview of how we ended up with the texts that we have, and I will discuss what it means to have a ‘canon’.

22nd February: The Word of God
This session will explore what the expression ‘The Word of God’ refers to in various places in the Bible, and what they mean.

22nd March: Old Testament Grace
In this session I will argue that the God of the Old Testament is the same God as the NT, ie graceful. This service will incorporate a formal healing service.

24th May: The sin of fundamentalism
This session will do exactly what it says on the tin in explaining just why fundamentalism is problem.

28th June: Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
This session will describe how modern research supports traditional perspectives on the gospels.
(Please note that this date is subject to change, if it clashes with the ordination service at Chelmsford Cathedral)

26th July: What is heaven?
This final session will explore where we might be going – and what the Bible says about it. This service will incorporate an informal communion.

The Learning Supper is a very informal and enjoyable style of service with all sorts of music and followed by a shared simple meal of bread, soup and wine in the hall.
Everyone is welcome!

The boil on the backside of British bookselling

I haven’t said much about the SPCK saga in the last six months, not because I haven’t been interested, but because there are some excellent people doing all the heavy lifting and pursuing the cause much more effectively than I can. Phil Groom has posted a summary here though – as we’re some six months on from when it all started – and he communicates effectively why Christians should stand up and fight about it:

“…the closure of the SPCK bookshops has very little to do with the recession: they’ve been run into the ground by their unscrupulous new owners, who accepted them as a gift from SPCK on trust that they would invest in them and their staff and maintain them as Christian bookshops.

Instead, however, they attempted to foist illegal contracts upon the staff and drove them to despair with their reprehensible behaviour (most walked out in disgust; one had a nervous breakdown; another committed suicide), then proceeded to close shops down, clearing out the stock without paying the suppliers; they attempted a spurious bankruptcy filing in the USA, changed their trading identities here in the UK and continued trading in the stock they’d acquired from the shops they’d closed — all supposedly in the name of “Orthodox mission”. In September they sold the Exeter branch for £507,000 and — in direct breach of a legally undertaken covenant — have allowed it to become a jewellery store.

In the meantime, the staff they drove out have not received their wages and the suppliers whose stock they took have not been paid. So for me, the online campaign to expose these evil men and, yes, to bring them down, remains a truly worthwhile use of my time and energy.”


Taken on my cameraphone. No TBTM today as the weather was very bleak and grey. I was humming a hymn whilst walking back from Morning Prayer: “Dark and dreary is the morn/ unaccompanied by thee…”

Posted in TPT

The Bottleneck

A little while back the Celtic Chimp asked me why I was so pessimistic about the immediate future, and for some more detailed description of what I thought was coming down the line. This is by way of an answer to him.

My bottom line assumption is that we are entering into the ‘hitting-the-wall’ phase predicted by the authors of the Club of Rome report ‘Limits to Growth’. I see the problem of Peak Oil as the most prominent of those limits, but it is by no means the only one (and, even though I’m becoming more sceptical of “global warming” as such, there are plenty of other candidates).

The core point about ‘limits to growth’ is that, once you hit the limit, growth ceases. One of the most interesting things I’ve learnt in my research on this over the last few years is something called ‘Liebig’s Law’, or, ‘the law of the minimum’ which states that the growth of any organism is restricted by the resource which is least plentiful. If you are growing a plant in a pot on your windowsill, that plant will need certain things to grow – water, sunlight, minerals from the soil and so on. When you reach a limit for any particular one of those things then it doesn’t matter how much more there is of all the other elements needed, growth will come to an end. (I should emphasise here that I’m primarily talking about physical growth – more stuff, more people). So it doesn’t really matter which area of human existence we focus on – it could be clean air, it could be clean water, it could be topsoil, it could be overpopulation – my particular interest just happens to be energy, and so we can talk about Peak Oil.

Peak Oil is that point at which the flow of oil reaches its maximum. After that point, the availability of oil will continually decrease, no matter what resources are brought to bear. My view is that – partly as a result of the collapse in oil prices over the last few months – we have now passed this point of peak oil production and are now in an ‘undulating plateau’. The price of oil has decreased, partly through the firesale of financial assets (which will pass) but also due to the severity of demand destruction caused by the economic downturn. The problem will emerge with further strength when the economy gets through the economic aspects of the present crisis and tries to get back upon its previous growth-based models: the price of oil will increase again and choke off that economic growth. In sum, my view is that, for a period of 10-15 years, economic growth has ceased, indeed, that it will go into reverse. I see much of the middle-class Western lifestyle coming to an end over this period; a vast amount of unemployment which will – in a benign outcome – shift to working the land, or, in a less benign outcome, the resurrection of a slave society.

There will be manifold problems throughout human society, as the availability of cheap and easy energy has underwritten the expansion of industrial society for around three hundred years. Peak Oil represents that moment when human society is required to shift from a society based around energy which is cheap and plentiful, to a society where energy is scarce and expensive. No other fuel source can replace what oil presently accomplishes. The other fossil fuels are themselves subject to limits and resource constraints (which includes nuclear) whilst the renewables, which are longer term options, suffer most from problems of scalability. My optimistic feeling is that on the other side of the crisis there will be some resurgence of energy production (from renewables) but that level of energy will be significantly lower than today.

Most of the things which we have become accustomed to accomplishing with ease will become difficult. That will include feeding ourselves, and the difficulty of obtaining food will catalyse many extremely unpleasant secondary effects. Many of the most sombre commentators on the phenomenon of Peak Oil have become persuaded of the ‘Die Off’ scenario, whereby the majority of the human race will not live past around 2025. I am persuaded of the truth of much of their analysis; I differ primarily in allowing room for hope. Rather than seeing a terminal ‘die off’, I see us rapidly approaching a bottleneck – a time of greatly increased pressure and tension, and not all of us will get through. However, decisions that we make now – more at the personal and local society level than at the government level (I tend to see the government as a problem not a solution, as people know) – will make a big difference to what happens. Learn to store more food. Learn to garden or develop a skill that will allow for trading for food. Get to know your neighbours and develop contacts across the community.

I foresee a time of tremendous upheaval and suffering in this crisis that has now begun; a time with greater parallels to the 1340s than the 1930s, and a lot of people, a lot of societies, quite possibly even some nations (eg the US and UK in their present form) will not make it through. Yet I also believe that what we do now will make a difference in the end, and I trust that our labour will not be in vain. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


I scanned the screens viewing soaps, news, comedies, sports, plays, documentaries, reality shows, games, music videos, cartoons and films searching for commonality among the diversity of genres. In a matter of seconds I laughed, shed tears, mourned, experienced thrills, fear, elation and boredom seeing family arguments, drunken fights, martial arts, torture techniques, abusive language, sexual predators, demonic possession, terrorist atrocities, murder investigations, football hooliganism, child soldiers, rioting protestors, police aggression, self-harming, drug abuse, automobile accidents, plane crashes, knife crime, insults and mockery. I spoke the answer before I knew it.
