Category Archives: TBTM
In the circles I tend to move in, being called a ‘liberal’ is a bit of an insult – it means that you don’t take the faith seriously etc etc. Now I don’t think that’s true, but I was just wondering – in certain circles, is being called an ‘open evangelical’ now taking on the same sense? That is, are ‘open evangelicals’ the new ‘liberals’? I’m musing on this since finding this site last night, especially looking at this page.
BTW I’ve read one John MacArthur book – Ashamed of the Gospel – and I thought it was rather good. I suspect I’ve got quite a bit of affinity with (some bits of) the conservative evangelicalism that site represents, though some of it I see as barbaric and a long way from the Way.
And the man said to Jesus ‘What must I do to be saved?’
And Jesus said ‘Keep the commandments. Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom but only those who do the will of my father in heaven’.
And Zacchaeus said ‘I shall pay back double to anyone that I have defrauded’.
And Jesus said ‘Today salvation has come to this house’.