Word count: 20805
One month left of sabbatical (boo hoo)
Today’s link: the adaptive function of literature
Category Archives: autobiography
Back in the saddle
Word count: 17519, which brings me to the end of chapter 3.
Went to hospital on Tuesday – bit of a hellish journey, I should have gone on the bike – to the Ear, Nose and Throat Unit at Addenbrooke’s. I’ve now been recommended to get a CROS hearing aid. Having managed my deafness moderately well so far I’m really intrigued to know what difference it will make. I expect the main difference will be to my levels of energy, but we shall see. (For more info on what my form of deafness involves, go here or here.)
Word count: only about 700 more than it was last time I said (end of last week)! The sabbatical is starting to take effect; I’m beginning to relax more fundamentally than I have in many years; and right now I don’t think trying to “achieve” the book is what God wants me to do – so I’m spending a lot of time just fiddling, watching TV, reading books (for myself and to the kids) playing Bejeweled Blitz(!) and stuff like that. I’m sure I’ll come back to hard work before too long but for now, this seems like the right and holy course. It means I can write a bit more on the blog as well, which is fun 🙂
Ten days into the sabbatical and today is the first day that I woke up NOT thinking about work problems. Of course, as soon as I realised, I started to think about them once again. Progress, nonetheless.
Today’s link: Violence, Tarantino and the Basterds, a Christian perspective. I’m wondering if I was too harsh in my initial thoughts; should probably have given it at least a 4. I’ll have to see it again, now that I’ve read lots of reviews.
Been away from home for a break which was very good; first at a conference (which I’ll blog about another time) then with friends in London.
I have rediscovered the art of the lie-in!
Honest Scrap
Peter Kirk tagged me with this, “I’m supposed to tell you 10 HONEST things about myself and then nominate 7 other blogs that I think deserve to receive the Honest Scrap Award.”
Hey, everything I write on here is honest! (Some of it is scrap without the s too 😉 And I’ve done this sort of thing before… So this’ll be brief, and I’m not going to tag anyone else.
1. I’m completely deaf in my left ear since birth.
2. I’m learning to sail.
3. I’m going on sabbatical this autumn, hoping to finish my LUBH book, and do some more sailing.
4. I grew up on a houseboat about ten miles up river from where I am now.
5. I’m married with three kids, a dog and a parrot.
6. I’m in therapy, which is a good thing.
7. I’m really enjoying learning to ride a motorbike.
8. I have permission from my Bishop to stop doing some of the things that I have been doing, because even he now thinks I’ve been doing too much!!!
9. I haven’t blogged properly (or sung the Eucharistic prayer) since early May (let the reader understand). I expect this psychological blockage to ease during the sabbatical.
10. I am writing this using a new computer but my old (and very mucky) keyboard, because the shape of the keys on the new keyboard is slightly and annoyingly different. Time to invest in a keyboard cleaner.
Some functionality has been restored, in both computer and Rectorial terms. Not sure what’s going to happen on Sunday though…
Today’s link, pursuing the Terry Eagleton/Ditchkins stuff, an interesting interview with him.
Spotify is excellent!!
A plug for the excellent spotify service. I haven’t bothered to shift all my music files from my back-up back to a PC because I’m using this instead – currently indulging my new romantic nostalgia, tho’ wikipedia doesn’t know what a quiff meant in those days. For a real one see this.