Wot no TBTM?

Bit of a strange morning today – overslept by several hours and then spent several hours in the local A&E department for our youngest – all is well, thanks be to God. So no TBTM. However, I did get to wander up to the top of West Mersea church tower, for the first time ever, and take a few photos (with my phone camera; I’ll go up again some time soon with my proper one to take some more).

Blech again

The more observant will notice that this is not a beach photo – it’s actually Great Wigborough churchyard, a photo that I took before Christmas. I’ve gone down with something horrid again and managed to sleep for eleven hours last night. I shall shortly be returning to that blissful state of slumber…


We’ve been away for a few days, ringing in the New Year with – amongst other delights – some 100 year old port! Lots of posts coming today.