And a gratuitous Ollie picture from yesterday afternoon:
Monthly Archives: April 2006
Apocalypse not
Brief thoughts on football
I’m fed up with Chelsea, but I still hope they do the double.
I’m looking forward to an Arse-Barse CL final, and I’d be delighted if the home side won 😉
I’d be gutted if Portsmouth stay up.
2.6mbd (million barrels a day) is how much new capacity (new oil fields, effectively) has been brought on stream by the oil industry in 2005. That’s significant in the context of an annual supply of 85mbd last year. You might think this means that the situation is rosy. It’s not – because the declines in existing production (ie peak oil in various separate fields) completely offset this increase, meaning that in 2005 there was effectively NO increase in the oil supply. Here’s one of Stuart Staniford’s helpful graphs:
This doesn’t mean that the present rate of production won’t increase. But if we reach 90mbd I’ll eat my hat.