OK, compare and contrast, and then contemplate the future

First read this;
Then read this (HT Arts and Letters Daily).

How far is feminism (by which I mean, women must be more manly than the man) a construct of temporary energy abundance, and how much sadness in men is due to women being socially constructed out of what they actually want (and what men actually want)?

OK, now that my neanderthal leanings have been rubbed in, let me recommend this book. Not unreservedly, but I do suspect that the majority of women in the Anglo-Saxon sphere have been sold damaged goods. I suspect Scripture really does have something timeless to say on the subject….

Superman Returns

Very enjoyable, on the whole very good – some elements of the direction were impressive – but not quite the whole banana. Could just be that I don’t rate Superman that highly as a superhero – too much of the boy scout compared to Batman – but after an excellent first half I found the second half underwhelming.

However, some cracking moments contained within, my favourite being right at the beginning, with the destruction of the train set (pic above). That was truly sinister, a wonderful piece of cinema – not surprising that the rest seemed less exciting after that. (It would have perfectly set up some real city destruction as the film’s concluding drama – as it was, the creation of a new island was rather bathetic.)

Worth watching though. Spacey is excellent.


Dancing clouds.

I’m aware that I’ve been unusually quiet – simply because I’ve been unusually busy. Lots of things that I want to write about, as soon as I get the chance. Did get to see Superman yesterday though – next post for a brief thought or two.