Hauerwas on right worship

“One reason why we Christians argue so much about which hymn to sing, which liturgy to follow, which way to worship is that the commandments teach us to believe that bad liturgy eventually leads to bad ethics. You begin by singing some sappy, sentimental hymn, then you pray some pointless prayer, and the next thing you know you have murdered your best friend.” — Stanley Hauerwas, The Truth About God: The Ten Commandments in Christian Life, p.89

Sam laughs manically in the background ‘ yes yes yes….’

HT: Alastair
(This is, by the way, the topic of one of my Learning Church sessions. It’s gratifying to find a Hauerwas quotation that makes the point so well.)

The End of Suburbia

No TBTM today – because I forgot to take a picture! My mind was wholly engaged with this morning’s Learning Church session, which I was quite pleased with, on the whole. It was essentially an overview of the first two chapters of my book (chapter 2 in particular) – which you can read here.

BTW An abbreviated version of ‘The End of Suburbia’ – one of the best documentaries about Peak Oil – can now be viewed online here.

Exorcist: The Beginning

Much better than I had expected (tho’, be warned, my expectations were quite low – it’s directed by Renny Harlin).

But there is a sequence of, say, 15 minutes within the last half hour, which I found quite compelling – as Merrin recovers his faith, and kisses the stole of his fallen colleague. That really got to me.


If someone said to me that he doubted whether he had a body I should take him to be a half-wit. But I shouldn’t know what it would mean to try to convince him that he had one. And if I had said something, and that had removed his doubt, I should not know how or why.
