
In my Peak Oil presentation I talk about wind being a viable alternative – there’s now an excellent discussion over at the Oil Drum about the viability of wind. Turns out that the EROEI is 20-25:1 which is outstanding (and significantly better than deep water oil – how about that). As always, some of the best information is in the comments (see especially the comparison of wind with photovoltaics near the bottom).

So there’s room for hope.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

The Island

Reasonably diverting.

Another one where there is a fairly obvious political parallel, but it was rather laboured to be honest. Not sure it was an advance on the Matrix, for example.

However, I did like the ‘programming’ – “you have been chosen”. You’re so special, you’re so unique, just like everybody else…. You might almost say that they were New Age clones.

Lets get depressed

Doing some research for next Saturday’s learning church, whilst also juggling various other parish matters – including some sudden seriously bad news for a colleague – and finding that it is all rather an accumulation of sadness.

Good summary of the line that I’ll be taking is here.

In short: the human race is in ‘overshoot’ – there are more of us than can be sustained, and the chances are that there will be a significant reduction in human population.


Let’s get depressed.

(I’ll cheer up again later)