What is evangelical catholicism?

A post I found most interesting, as you might expect – here (HT de cura animarum).

Principle number one reads:

“The Lord Jesus Christ is the crucified and risen Savior of all mankind, and no human person can fully understand his life or find his dignity and destiny apart from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. It is not enough to know who Jesus is; we must know Jesus.”

I think I’ll be quoting that…


If I had put this up on time this morning I would have said ‘Gold is the colour’.

But having watched that match, I’ll have to say ‘Gold is NOT the colour’.

he he he he he

Superman: Red Son

This was a really enjoyable graphic novel: Superman lands in the Ukraine rather than Kansas and grows up to be the dictator of the Soviet Union – and then the world. I tend to find Superman quite a dull hero, but this altered perspective really helped to explore the character/ archetype, as well as some good political themes. Excellent twist ending as well. Recommended.

For us, the living (Robert Heinlein)

More interesting than good as a novel, this was an unpublished ‘first novel’ in which you can see Heinlein starting to explore the main themes he pursued over the coming years. I’m starting to read – or re-read – a set of Heinlein novels. I’ll write something long about him once I’ve got through the set (it’s my bedtime reading at the moment).

Battlestar Galactica (Season Three)

Awesome stuff, at least four out of five – the series as a whole, dependent on how they spin it, might end up being five out of five – if they manage to harmoniously resolve (ie unite) the human/cylon threads that will be quite some accomplishment.

Can’t wait for the next series. At least I have some things to keep me occupied in the meantime – like Lost 3; Life on Mars 1 & 2; Band of Brothers; Buffy…