
Experimenting with my new camera/phone/diary thing (Nokia 5800). Hadn’t realised how attached – and how plugged in – to my old diary I was. I’m in mourning. The very worst thing about this new one – and something on which I was misadvised by the salesman – is that it has to link in to MS Outlook. Grrr.

Anyhow, been having a very busy few days catching up with the family during half-term as I took some ‘official’ time off to make up for the time I was ill over Christmas, when they didn’t see much of me. It’s been great, must do it more often.


My Bishop has generously agreed that I may take a sabbatical this year – from mid-September to mid-December. It’s something that a colleague pointed out that I was eligible for after ten years in holy orders. I plan to: turn my Let us be Human talks into a publishable book, the Lord – and my therapist – being my helpers; gain the next qualification for sailing; and spend lots of high quality time with my family.

One of those moments when I can’t believe how fortunate I am.

Geert Wilders

A lawfully elected Parliamentarian from a fellow EU country is invited by members of our Parliament to speak to them. This Parliamentarian has been similarly invited by other parliaments (eg Italy, Denmark, the US) and none of their governments see a problem with hearing what the man has to say.

Yet our government-in-place objects to this (possibly illegally) whilst allowing equivalently controversial clerics from the Islamist side free reign.

I know that I’m prone to immoderate Meldrew-moments but something seems really wrong here. Does our culture not care about the principle of free speech any more? I doubt I’d agree with Wilders’ perspective – the film is hardly balanced and measured – but that’s irrelevant. All the liberties and practices built up over centuries are being washed away because people don’t care any more, and our government is too incompetent and historically ignorant to know what it is doing. These are the moments when I ponder emigration…

(note the reference to the Koran)

I think one of the things I need to work on in my therapy is why I hate the state so much. I’m sure it’s a mix of rational and irrational, but quite where the boundary comes… This I do know: people should not be afraid of their governments.