
There won’t be any more posts for a few days as I’m being whisked away to the woods. Unless I can work out mobile blogging (and keep my mobile away from my better half…!)

The Heartbreak Kid

Annoying, pointless and lacking in any consistent characterisation. I was going to call it ‘stupid’ but then I realised that I was probably stupid for expecting a coherent script from the Farrelly brothers. Avoid.


How should Christians respond to Peak Oil?

I’ve written a pamphlet on the how Christians should respond to Peak Oil, and it has been published by the Diocese of Worcester: it can be downloaded as a .pdf file here. If you’ve read my other stuff on Peak Oil it won’t contain much that is new (some new analogies perhaps) but if you’re new to it then it’s the best place to begin.

I have some spare printed copies if there is anyone on Mersea who wants one.

How to graduate from Christianity


Despite finding myself seriously disagreeing with him on a lot of things, I still read Steve Pavlina because he makes me think. He has some totally bonkers moments in this one though – and I find it somewhat ironic that his final conclusive crescendo is all about unconditional love – I wonder where he got that from?

Perhaps it would have been better entitled ‘how to graduate from Modern American Protestantism‘.

These atheists…

“The wonderful thing about the atheist movement in this country is that it shows how all the vices that made religion repulsive can flourish in the complete absence of supernatural belief. The fruits of the movement are hypocrisy, humourlessness, meanness of spirit and triumphalist ignorance, all in the service of a determination that no one anywhere shall enjoy any pleasure or thought that is not approved by them.”

Agreed with this article; more engaged with it than usual because last night I dreamt of being told by a doctor that I only had months to live.