Awful day

Got up with all sorts of good intentions as I was beginning to feel normal again – even managed to take Ollie for a walk for the first time since Sunday morning – but then discovered that my computer was going wrong, in that I was immediately logged off as soon as I entered Windows XP. I have since spent almost all day trying to fix it, going to the extreme of installing Ubuntu (which, frankly, is easy to put on to the PC and then absolutely awful to try and run anything on, or connect to the internet, so I’m giving up on that idea) only to find, after trying a complete re-install of WinXP that my hard disk is non-functioning. All that the machine can cope with now is Ubuntu run from the CD-Rom.

One bit of good news – I’ve got all my files backed up. What’s going to be a pain is re-establishing all my settings on a new PC. Still, for now I can steal my wife’s as she’s not going to be needing it for a week or two. And I might just be tempted to upgrade my system….

Not a nice way to spend a day (but thanks to PB for some key assistance half way through).

An "interesting" problem with Outlook Express

Every so often Outlook Express compacts messages. It would appear as though some time last week, when it was doing so, it wiped several of my e-mail folders down to nothing. I do have a back-up – a couple of months old – but I was just wondering if anyone knew of a way to merge the back up with the existing folder files, so that I don’t lose the material accumulated since I did the back-up. All help gratefully received.

And yes, it’s another hint to take me off Microsoft completely.

UPDATE: found this, which (hopefully) will do most of the work:

The BAK files your OE folders before compacting. They are copied there
as a precaution in case something goes wrong with the compacting.

1) Look in OE at Tools, Options, Maintenance, Store Folder for the
location of your Store Folder. Then close OE.

2) Go to Recycle Bin and restore the most recent Sent Items.bak file.
That will put it in OE Store folder, but still as a BAK file.

3) Open the Windows File Explorer and look at the store folder you found
in step 1. (You may need to enable the the display Hidden and System
files in Tools, Folder Options, View as well as uncheck the option to
Hide extensions of known file types. You should see both a Sent
Items.dbx file as well as the Sent Items.bak. Rename the Sent Items.DBX
to Sentold.dbx and then rename Sent Items.Bak to Sent Items.DBX. When
you open OE, your Sent Items messages should be restored.