It occurs to me that, just as I use the blog as a way of listing the films that I watch (watched the A-Team last night – much, much better than I expected, will probably end up being one of my favourites of the year) so too should I keep track of the games that I play on the PS3 – many fewer than the films as they take much longer to play! So I’ll probably do this once or twice a year. It also lets me watch films in blu-ray…
So since getting the PS3 last summer, I have played through:
BioShock 2 – possibly not quite as good as #1 but my favourite game so far (and what I bought the PS3 for)
Arkham Asylum – stopped before the end, got bored with it, far too linear
Heavy Rain – very very interesting, the shape of things to come
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – quite fun
Red Dead Redemption – very interesting, but the last third was not quite up to the standard of the earlier elements. Great if you like Westerns (which I do)
And I am about to finish Dead Space, which I’m enjoying, but it’s not a patch on Bioshock.
I suspect that what novels were to the 19th century, and movies were to the 20th, games will be to the 21st.